Deliverables and work packages
The ARDITO project has a total duration of 18 months, from 1st January 2017 to 30th June 2018, and kicked off in February 2017. The project is structured into five work packages which are presented below, as well as the key deliverables.
WP1: Project management and coordination
WP2: Identification technologies
WP3: Integration, interoperability and use cases
WP4: Outreach and clusters
WP5: Dissemination
WP1 Project management and coordination
WP 1 will provide overall project management and oversee the delivery and coordination of all activities. It is led by mEDRA and is organised in three work streams (project and coordination; monitoring and evaluation; innovation management) for a smooth and effective work within the partnership towards the project goals. mEDRA will deliver the key reports on the project outcomes and evaluations.
WP2: Identification technologies
WP 2 is led by mEDRA and addresses the critical issue of how a range of different existing and developing content identification technologies can be integrated effectively into the rights data network to support automated processing and discovery of rights data. This workpackage builds on concepts and prototypes demonstrated in the RDI project (www.rdi-project.org), to create new tools and services and include new identification technologies.
The content identification technologies covered are: (i) IDs embedded in content as watermarks; (ii) Content recognition by digital pattern matching; (iii) Web resolvable content IDs. The deliverables of WP 2 are:
Extended audio-visual watermarking API first release: video watermarking technology extended to carry rights data and with the capability to communicate with the Copyright Hub ecosystem
Image crawler first release, connected to content recognition:Enhancement of content recognition technology extended with the ability to crawl the web to search for images and link them to rights data and services
Extended eBooks watermarking API first release: Extension of eBooks watermarking APItechnology extended with the capability to query the Copyright Hub to retrieve available rights information or to be queried by the Copyright Hub to deliver information on permitted usages
Extended Rights-aware DOI suite first release: sSuite of tools including interfaces to create rights-aware DOIs, to create and use ISBNs as DOI-based web resolvable IDs and to make available simple rights declarations
WP3: Integration, interoperability and use cases
WP3 is lead by the Digital CatapultCopyright Hub Foundation. This workpackage will develop new or extend existing Copyright Hub Platform interfaces and APIs to interact with tools and services developed in WP2 for the covered content identification technologies. It will be managed in close cooperation with the Copyright Hub Foundation as it builds on the Copyright Hub Platform Technology and existing APIs for other services to connect to. Works streams will focus on (i) integration requirements(ii) technical integration (iii) service integration and (iv) interoperability using LCC technical framework. The deliverables will include technical requirements and integration specifications, an integrated ecosystem release and a report on services and use cases.
WP4: Outreach and clusters
WP4, which is led by the Copyright Hub Foundation, will open up project outcome to the wider world, maximising the exploitation of the project results and creating new business opportunities for project partners as well as for SMEs and other organisations operating in the creative sector. Innovation management will be an integral part of this WP, as feedback and outcomes of the outreach activities are meant to constantly challenge the innovative approach of project partners and project work. It will focus on rolling out technologies and services to a wider group of SMEs creating clusters of interest and use. As this WP will plan and organise the outreach and networking activities, which includes three outreach conferences it is closely interlinked to WP 5 (Dissemination). It will also produce as part of the deliverables a report on cluster building.
WP5: Dissemination
WP 5 is led by Europa Analytica. The dissemination & communication WP will focus on the overall promotion of the project, engagement and its outcomes, with particular focus on the concrete deployments, based on the different WPs, e.g. tools, apps, new start-ups and services. It also covers the creation of the project identity, website management and communication material. WP 5 will work in close synergy with WP4 as far as outreach activities are concerned. WP 5 requires the involvement of all partners for super-dissemination though their networks and communication channels. The plan for disseminating and exploiting project outcomes will be detailed with periodical updates and will be a key deliverable to organise the work of this workpackage.