ARDITO hosts successful final conference ‘ARDITO: Upgrading the Internet’ in Brussels on Tuesday 19 June
The ARDITO project hosted its final conference ‘ARDITO: Upgrading the Internet’ in Brussels on Tuesday 19 June.
To open the event, Angela Mills-Wade (Director at Europe Analytica) and Paola Mazzucchi (ARDITO Project Manager) introduced to the audience to the ARDITO project and its main objective, which is to connect the consumer and rightsholders in the digital world. 'Let’s use the internet for what it is really good at,' said Mills-Wade, and she presented the idea of upgrading the digital domain from copyright to eCopyright.
The Finnish MEP Henna Virkkunen followed, giving a vibrant keynote speech and putting ARDITO into the broader context of digitisation and innovation in the European Digital Single Market. She complimented the achievements that ARDITO has made possible and agreed that ARDITO is no longer just a project, but a readily available service. She called for innovation-friendly and technology-neutral regulation, to allow for legal certainty and encourage investment in education, research and skills.
ARDITO project partners showcased their innovative tools and services to manage rights data of creative content, including watermarking, digital fingerprinting and Digital Object Identifiers (DOIs). These are designed to help users find out about rights permissions directly from the content they have discovered, no matter where it is discovered on the Internet. They highlighted the diverse applications of such services for all stakeholders in different sectors, from publishing to audiovisual, and especially their potential uses for SMEs. A Q&A session was held to close the presentation.
A final panel discussion looked into the potential impact that these tools may have on the rights permission systems and copyright system at the EU level. They concluded that several tools and services are now provided for eCopyright, and there is now the need to educate critical users.
For more updates on the project, please subscribe to our newsletter here or get in touch us here ardito@europe-analytica.com
Presentations are also available on our website here:
ARDITO introduction (Paola Mazzucchi, Business Development Manager at mEDRA, Angela Mills-Wade, Director at Europe Analytica)
Copyright Hub (Daniel Mermelstein, Project Manager)
Album (Sergi Griñó, Director),
Icontact (Huub van de Pol, Founder)
b<>com (Gaëtan Le Guelvouit, Manager of the Digital Trust & Identity Lab)
mEDRA (Paola Mazzucchi, Business Development Manager)
You can look back on the main moments on Twitter here.
ARDITO hosts successful workshop ‘Managing Value in Published Content’ in London
ARDITO, co-funded by the EU as part of Horizon 2020 programme, held its third well attended workshop on the eve of the London Book Fair. The event took place on Monday 9 April 2018 and focused on “Managing Value in Published Content”.
The final workshop focused on the ARDITO tools and connecting content with permissions information in the context of existing publishing processes. and there was an open discussion session afterwards. The event kicked-off with an introduction to the ARDITO tools and on how ARDITO works for content consumers. Speakers included Michael Healy (Copyright Clearance Center), Paul Keller and ARDITO project partners, Sergi Griñó (Director, Album), Paola Mazzuchi (Business Development Manager, mEDRA) and Huub van de Pol (Founder, Icontact).
This was followed by breakout discussions session which looked into: a) online publishing including newspaper and magazine content, b) publishing images and third party content c) how standards underpin innovation and d)the ecosystem for the consumer/creator; music and video. After summarising the groups discussion, the event was concluded by an intervention of The Copyright Hub’s Honorary President, Richard Hooper.
Presentations are available on our website here: Copyright Hub, Icontact, mEDRA and Album.
For more information on the discussions, please subscribe to our newsletter here.
ARDITO hosting 9 April workshop on the eve of the London Book Fair
The EU co-funded ARDITO project will hold its 3rd ARDITO workshop on Monday 9 April 2018 which focuses on “Managing Value in Published Content” to tie in with the London Book Fair taking place that week.
The focus will be on the ARDITO tools and connecting content with permissions information and there will be an open discussion session afterwards. Confirmed speakers include Michael Healy (Copyright Clearance Center), Paul Keller (Kennisland) and ARDITO project partners, Sergi Griñó (Director, Album), Anna Lionetti (Metadata manager, mEDRA) and Huub van de Pol (Founder, Icontact).
Please find more information on the programme and registration here.
Save the date - ‘Control your content in the digital market place’ workshop in Rome on 8 December
The EU co-funded ARDITO project will hold its second workshop at the Rome Book Fair Book Più libri più liberi. The event will focus on text publishing and tools that are now being developed and where users can find out about permissions directly from available content they have discovered. The event will also hold breakout discussion groups that will deliberate on e-books, digital rights holder statements and multi-media content.
This second workshop is a chance for innovative content providers and organisations to:
· Understand how this will support monetizing the re-use of creative content on the Internet
· Find out about the project and the technologies used
· An opportunity to test and give feedback on the ARDITO tools with little or no technical input
Save the date of 8 December and join us in Rome!
Please find more information on the programme and registration here.
ARDITO holds workshop in Barcelona
On 22 September 2017, ARDITO hosted stakeholders from the audiovisual and the image sectors to discuss the use of technology to facilitate licensing. After an inspiring speech given by Richard Hooper, Honorary President of the Copyright Hub, on the importance of improving data quality in order to facilitate licensing, our ARDITO partners, The Copyright Hub, ALBUM and b<>com gave presentations on the practical implementation of the ARDITO project in order to support the Digital Single Market by linking content to permissions. The first part of the workshop was concluded by Abbie Enock CEO of Capture Ltd who gave a presentation on the role of digital management systems in promoting good practice and connectivity. The remaining of the event had four breakout discussion groups that focused on: (a) building value in the market with a focus on the cultural sector, (b) image identifiers & metadata discoverability, (c) images and assets in journals and (d) publications and identifiers, watermarks and video recognition. The workshop discussions concluded take outs from each group and a focus on identifying topics for future work and how such work might be approached. The presentations can be consulted here (Richard Hooper speech, The Copyright Hub, ALBUM and b<>com) and see more from the event on Twitter here. The full event report will be distributed to the participants and available on our website shortly.
10 October: ARDITO at the Frankfurt bookfair – presenting at the EDItEUR annual supply chain seminar
The seminar, organised by EDItEUR, will take place on 10 October. The programme includes a presentation by ARDITO partners mEDRA and Icontact of tools available to publishers to manage content in the digital supply chain:
- the DOI application to rights information (mEDRA)
- rights and licensing information embedded in BooXtream, the award winning technology for eBook watermarking and personalisation (Icontact), www.booxtream.com
Save the date - Important workshop in Barcelona on 22 September
The EU co-funded ARDITO project will hold is first workshop in Barcelona on 22 September. It will focus on how the use of technologies such as digital fingerprinting, watermarking, for video and images, as resolvable identifiers will contribute to connecting all types of creative content with rights information across the internet. A later workshop in December will focus specifically on text publishing. The workshop will also provide a broader policy perspective on how ARDITO will contribute to achieving the Digital Single Market.
Save the date 22 September and join us in Barcelona! Sign up now, programme and registration is at: http://bit.ly/2u1QFwe
14-19 September: IBC show Amsterdam: visit ARDITO partner b<>com’s booth in the Future Zone, Hall 8, G14:
At IBC 2017, b<>com will unveil new demonstrations around two major topics: The future of immersive experiences, particularly with “Virtual Arctic Expedition,” an experience that explores new dimensions in virtual reality and new generations of video technology. Most notably, the SDR-HDR conversion technology that won honors at NAB Show 2017 will be presented for the first time in its 4K real-time version. This will be a chance to prove once more that the technologies we’ve developed make a difference to manufacturers and end-users alike! https://b-com.com/en/news/ibc-2017-back-future-zone
Where to find out more about ARDITO in June
EU-funded project ARDITO is continuing to engage with the various players in the creative industries and during the month of June you will have several opportunities to learn more about ARDITO: at ARDITO's online meet-up on 22 June; at an event organised by Confinindustria in Rome on 7 June; and at the CEPIC Congress on 15-17 June in Berlin. More details and how to register here:
Investire in cultura - Finanziamenti e agevolazioni per le imprese della filiera culturale. 7 June, in Rome: event organsied by Confindustria during which ARDITO partner AIE, Piero Attanasio will present the ARDITO project. Link to the event: http://www.confindustria.it/Aree/opp102.nsf/iscrizione?openform
CEPIC World Congress 15-17 June: if you are part of the picture and image sector, you can meet ARDITO partner ALBUM at the CEPIC World Congress in Berlin on 15-17 June. The CEPIC Congress is the biggest gathering in the world of image professionals: http://cepic.org/congress). Please contact Sergi Grino, ALBUM should you like to meet up during the congress and find out more about the project: sergi@album-online.com
ARDITO online meet-up 22 June: join the ARDITO online meet up on 22 June to find out more about a federated European and International Digital Rights network. Please contact Caroline Boyd at the Copyright Hub to book your place before 14 June and if you would like to have more information: caroline@copyrighthub.org
ARDITO demonstrates at Tempo de Libri how the fingerprinting and watermarking of creative content helps SMEs to protect and monetise their work
The ARDITO project, co-funded by the EU’s Horizon2020, was showcased to a packed seminar room at the first “Tempo Di Libri” in Milan on 20th April. An attentive and engaged multinational audience welcomed the project’s aims and objectives at a time when marketing and monetising creative content is constantly undermined by the removal of metadata by the networks. ARDITO is committed to building user-friendly tools to optimise fingerprinting and watermarking technologies so that the content itself becomes the persistent identifier throughout the digital content network. Being able to find out who owns rights and where to go to get a licence is essential for all those who wish to participate in the digital market and crucial when it comes to finding ways to monetise the reuse of creative content. Presenters at the seminar demonstrated applications in the world of images and text, and how these can be integrated into The Copyright Hub.
The presentations are available here:
For further information please contact Paola (paola.mazzucchi[@]aie.it) or Angela (angela.mills-wade[@]europe-analytica.com)
The ARDITO Project has begun!
The ARDITO Project kicked off on 9 February 2017.
Throughout the duration of the project we will be organising events and workshops.
This is where we will be publicising our events and those of our partners.
Watch this space!
We will be Tweeting from @ARDITOproject